Picture perfect home awaits you! No more agonizing over a short sale or fix up work. Come Sunday 5/22/2010 to see the dazzling upgrades including elegant classic kitchen tastefully installed with state of the art appliances, sparkling granite slab, and […]
I’m a local San Diego real estate agent and part of my business plan and job duties is to assist as many people as possible with their varying housing situations. The primary two of these situations is selling and buying […]
If you own San Diego real estate and you did not refinance your home, defaulting on your mortgage limits all liability to the property itself. In other words, you can walk away with a clear conscience that there will be […]
I just sent a letter to Congress along with some other fellow Realtors. The San Diego real estate market is very fragile right now and adding little fees here and there can only be harmful when we’re trying so hard […]
In stark contrast to my rose-colored glasses story yesterday, here are the findings of an article printed the same day just dripping of gloom and doom. It is a report by the Mortgage Bankers Association. My fingers are crossed for […]
It’s so difficult these days. I mean, I see this article online that goes into how much better everyone is doing, it says that real estate has gone up and the economy is starting to improve. Sounds fantastic, right? Only […]
That makes me sick. I don’t know about you, but I do not take kindly to those of us that strap on bombs in New York, put them in their shoes, in their underwear, wherever they may want to put […]
Just yesterday an agent countered one of my client’s offers asking for a non-refundable deposit. Well, guess what!? According to Kuish vs Smith 4th District CA Court, the answer is NO! In the past, how it worked is the seller […]
Late 2008 and early 2009 investors came out of nowhere swooping up a good portion of San Diego real estate and buying properties up cash. Between January of 2009 and January of 2010, 8,452 properties were sold for cash in […]