Special Addition Foreclosure Prevention Library

The California Association of Realtors has provided new information made available by legal counsels and current market conditions for the following subjects:

1.  Proposition 8 – Property Tax Relief
2.  Tips for a Short Sale Seller
3.  Tips for a Short Sale Buyer
4.  Foreclosure or Short Sale
5.  Foreclosure Prevention Resources
6.  Short Sale Process
7.  Foreclosure Timeline
8.  Homeowner Liability After Foreclosure
9.  Avoiding Foreclosure Scams
10.  Alternatives to Foreclosure

The information is designed for those who may be at risk of foreclsoure in the San Diego real estate market or who are already going through the process, and possibly helping to prevent foreclosures.

This information is free.  If you are interested in one of these titles, please send an email with the title in the subject line to sandiegorealestatecafe@gmail.com