Go for the Olympics Gold

One of the really neat things about the Olympics  is that everyone can come together.  The whole world is in the same place (this year Vancouver ) at least in spirit.  So, what are some thoughts about this special event?

It’s such a unique time, the world can connect and be a community.  There is commaraderie and competition all at the same time.  Everyone watching wants to see their country win and right now lots of us are together watching whether that is on your couch, at a friend’s house, or at your local sports bar.

Well, something that always pops into my mind is, what would my job be like if an Olympian performed it?  Think about it, how great would they be at doing what you or I do everyday and how much effort would they put into it? 

Wouldn’t  it be a great idea if we all chose a day before the Olympics are over to really “Go for the Gold”?  Give one thing in your life, whatever that may be, big or small, just one thing that you really care about and would like to improve or change and make that one thing your goal to achieve and perform like an Olympian.  What do you think?

Who is with me?  Choose something to be great at today and tell me about it!