Congress Abandons Critical Housing Programs

If you live in San Diego, this really doesn’t affect me or you, we live in a desert.  The issue is that it does affect a lot of other people, so whether near or far, let’s talk about the National Flood Insurance Program reform bill.

Congress left town before reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program, which has resulted in thousands of homes going unsold.

What is the story with this?  Well the Flood program has gone unfunded and is running out of money.  What that means is that banks have stopped accepting applications for rural housing which leaves perfectly well qualified buyers unable to buy their dream home.

Fact is, it is hard enough these days, for buyers, for sellers, for the Average Joe that is working 9-5.  On top of all the challenges and the disappointment in the economy, another obstacle to moving forward with your life or career is not what we want.

The National Association of Realtors says that rural families in every state in the country rely on this program so they can buy and renovate homes and prepare sites with water and sewage.

Regardless of our great San Diego real estate location, for all the people out there that are left in the lurch and refused a home, we can dedicate 5 minutes to making a call to our Congressperson.

If you need their contact info, email us at [email protected]