Which Real Estate Data is Most Accurate and Properly Represents the Real World?

In real estate trends, who's right, who's wrong and who's just plain lost?
Are you or anyone you know confused about the current San Diego real estate market? With every article the confusion grows because they all seem to have varying perspectives on the market. Whether you’re buyer or seller, which one can you trust? I read from various sources of real estate data to get as large a cross section view of the market as possible.
We’re all familiar with sources such as Realtor.com, Zillow.com and NAR (National Association of REALTORS). The thing we have to understand that the they all arrive at their conclusions, which they then publish, by different data processing methods. This can contribute to the confusion because more often than not each source can come to a completely different inference.
Another factor in this dilemma is that most data is presented on a national level. This large picture cannot give an accurate picture on the local and more importantly the community level. For this one needs to look for people, such as REALTORS, that have their ears to the ground and a hand on the real estate heartbeat. What’s happening in Neil, Oklahoma has nothing to do with Mission Hills in San Diego. Would we all agree?
I hope this short post helps you out and gives you some insight into how the real estate market data is processed and trends are arrived at. The best thing to do is talk to a local professional who knows the local area and neighborhood. Get as much information as possible and make as good of an educated decision as possible. Your largest asset aside from your health is nothing to play around with.