What's The Outlook For The San Diego Market In 2011?

What can we expect in 2011 for San Diego's real estate market?
Are you looking for the answer to the most popular question when it comes to the San Diego real estate market? The number one question I get about the San Diego housing market is “How’s the market”. I know this will be the dominant question for the next couple of years as we try and recover from one of the biggest economic crashes in U.S. history.
The outlook for the San Diego real estate market isn’t as bad as you would think and that’s great news for all of us. The figures we’re looking at now seem to indicate that we’ll see about a 2% increase in the number of sales as well as in the median home price.
I would like to clarify to buyers that the median price isn’t the same as the average price. The median price is the price of the home at the middle of all home sales in the area. So this means that if there were 100 homes sold then number 50 would be the median price. The average price is the result of adding all of the sold prices and diving it by the number of homes sold.
Also the answer to this question can change depending on what aspect of it you’re interested in(buying, selling, investing,etc.). So the next time you’re asking yourself this question you should really call a REALTOR® to get the most up-to-date information. We’re always happy to answer people’s questions, so don’t hesitate to contact us.