To What Extremes Will People Go To Get Their Home Back?

Fast forward to this past week. The foreclosed owner claims that the bank had no right to foreclose because the title history isn’t clear from when the loan was sold and transferred from one bank to another, to another, to another, etc. Therefore the disgruntled owner broke into the home, changed the locks and is now squatting in the home awaiting their attorney to get a court date set to argue the matter before a judge.
The most ironic part to all of this is that the home was sold to another family who was supposed to move in this weekend only to arrive at the home and find the locks changed and people squatting in the home. What do you do in this case? The new home owner wants to move in to the home they just bought but the previous owner won’t leave? This is going to be an interesting story to follow and I’ll try and keep up with it and give all of you an update. Can you imagine how many calls the selling agent is getting from his clients who purchased this home?