The Ultimate Way To Generate Buyer Leads

How much is your loyalty worth?
This method of generating leads is simply buying buyers. Buying buyers you’re saying? This agent who shall remain anonymous has decided that the best way to get buyers to choose him/her as their agent of choice is to literally offer cash for choosing him/her. No matter if the buyers already have an agent or are working with another agent this agent feels that it’s perfectly fine to bribe buyers.
The word ethics comes to mind when thinking about this person not to mention morality. Instead of doing things like all other agents in the industry and develop a business plan that incorporated various methods of generating leads, such as farming, Internet ads, website, expireds, FSBOs, etc., they have decided that this is the best way to do business
Not not only is this probably against many rules but it’s just right down dirty play. We’re all in this business and ar asked by our respective associations to conduct ourselves in the utmost manner and this just doesn’t seem right to me. A couple of my colleagues and I have been discussing this method and are just flabbergasted by the sheer idea of doing business this way. As you’ve probably guessed I’m fuming a bit in this post but I needed to vent a bit. I’d be happy to hear any thoughts or opinions all of you, my fellow activerainers have to say on the matter so please do comment if you wish. Let’s all hope that agents like this leave the industry and we can all restore pride and integrity to real estate. What’s your opinion?