The Skinny on San Diego Zip Codes
Have a look at this cool new online tool we just checked out!
Zip skinny is a new cool little tool that I’ve discovered that compares the various San Diego zip codes and shows you the differences between them and how they differ from other San Diego zip codes using U.S. census data. You can choose up to 20 to compare.
Some of the items that it compares is broken down on areas such as
Levels of education
Household income
Population density
Number of singles
Racial demographics
Employment levels
Here you can see a chart that Zip Skinny does for my zipcode 92110

San Diego zip codes
If you are feeling a little light on your knowledge of San Diego areas, Zip Skinny is a good place to beef that up. And you can also compare areas and see homes on our “Areas” page.
Happy home hunting, the San Diego Real Estate Cafe is always available for questions at [email protected]