The First Election Day In The United States.

How many of you got the chance ot vote?
Did all of you do your civic duty and vote today? Though this is a mid-term election it’s still our duty as citizens of this country to do our part and participate in our country’s election process.
Our country’s first election took place between 1788 and 1789 with the very popular George Washington being elected our first president. A native of Virginia he ran as an independent, unopposed and received the majority of the votes from the electorate. As far as the vice presidency John Adams received the most electoral votes for the office of vice president.
The electoral college system of elections was a step forward from the original one under the Articles of Confederation which had a completely different structure and electoral system. The new electoral college was later ratified in 1809 with the passing of the 12th amendment of the constitution.
The 12th amendment changed the way votes were cast for the two top offices of the nation. Under the first electoral college system the candidate who received the most votes was elected to the office of president and the runner up in the vote count would become elected to the office of vice president. The 12th amendment made it so that each elector cast separate votes for each office.
Voting is truly important in our country’s history and we should all participate whenever we can. As we look at the rest of the world we see how other countries don’t share in our democratic system and sometimes pay the ultimate price while trying to exercise their right to vote.
So I hope this brief look at our contry’s first election inspires you to get out and vote. Let’s all participate in demonstrating how democracy should work from the what’s probably the first truly functioning democratic system in the world and most definitely in the new world. God bless the United States of America.