Tempers can flare over this subject in the real estate world. Seasoned agents giggle and stick up their noses to the part-timers. Part-timers usually don’t have the financial means to quit their day or night jobs. What difference does it […]
Sigh…if there is one thing to be said about the real estate industry it is that you are always learning new things. There is no end to the little nooks and crannies and intricacies. The lesson learned today is not […]
So if you’re plans on Sunday June 6th include going somewhere by car whether to get groceries, go to the the beach or see some San Diego real estate, be careful of the route you take because you might just […]
Generally speaking, you should view all available options to you on the San Diego real estate market so that you can make decisions on which home you’d like to purchase. Here is the catch… Sometimes these short sales are really […]
It is easy to peruse the internet and get a few different views on the San Diego real estate market. To tell the truth, you can generally break it down to positive views and negative views. It is confusing, flip-floppy, […]
The California Association of Realtors has provided new information made available by legal counsels and current market conditions for the following subjects: 1. Proposition 8 – Property Tax Relief 2. Tips for a Short Sale Seller 3. Tips for a […]
What does this mean? It means that the percentage of households that could afford to purchase a home this yearwas higher than in the “glory days” of 2004 and 2005. Even though the economy was better in 2004 and 2005, […]
Everyday I get up and read up on the latest real estate news and I have to say that nationally things are not good. What I’m most interested in though is what’s happening here in our local paradise called San Diego. […]
A lot! I’m not kidding. Let me explain. When you first set out to buy your first home, or second home for that matter, you have certain expectations, I mean, you’ve heard a lot of news about how cheap everything […]