San Diego Sees An Amazing Real Estate Figure

Cash isn't the only way to buy a home in San Diego.
Do you think the San Diego real estate market is changing? This month in my reading of the San Diego housing market I came across a statistic that I’m sure is going to astonish San Diego county residents. This statistic demonstrates that at least in the San Diego real estate market things are changing.
As I read stats regarding how home purchases were financed I came across something that is going to shock many buyers in the San Diego housing market. According to the most recent data 28% of the homes purchased in the county of San Diego were bought with CASH! You read this right, people bought almost 1/3 of all homes sold in January 2011, and 2010, with no financing.
This figure illustrates that the real estate prices in San Diego are at their prime. The time to buy a home is now. Real estate investors know this and they’re sure to account for the majority of the purchases being made. This is also a call to buyers that the San Diego housing market, as it’s been reported before, is doing far better than the rest of the nation. San Diego with it’s perfect climate and ideal location, is a place where buying real estate is a good thing.
There are still buyers on the side lines waiting to buy and this shouldn’t discourage them from buying but rather encourage them to move forward with their home purchases before the market changes more. Mortgage rates are holding for now but they have shown some movement upward. This is why here at The San Diego Real Estate Cafe we encourage potential buyers to talk to us so we can determine if your time to buy had arrived. We not only take a look at your personal situation but work with you to achieve your goals. With a proven andpowerful company like Prudential California Realty on your side you benefit from years of business experience, a trusted and recognizable brand and professional REALTORS® that place your interests ahead of anything else. Feel free to contact us with your questions or to schedule a no obligation free consultation to see how we can help you with your real estate needs.