Is Your Real Estate Agent In The Modern 2.0 World?

Does this look like your agent's phone?
Does you real estate agent still have to open their phone to answer? The world has changed and at a very fast pace. San Diego’s real estate market entrepreneurs know this and most have adapted to the times. In a world where information on anything is just a mouse click away so has communication.
We now live in an age where things move so fast that we don’t carry “cell phones” per say but actually mini computers that can help in running everything in our daily lives. As an agent in the San Diego real estate market I’ve experienced the communication evolution first hand. Let me as you this, how many of you use Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yelp, Flicker, YouTube, just to name the obvious ones?
Adapting and becoming competent with a movement that’s expanding at such an exponential pace can be challenging. For example when the fax machine came out everyone was so amazed by what this machine could do. That no pales by comparison with some of the new technology out there. Would you believe me if I told you that in the not so distant future your cell phone will stream live video and voice at the same time so you can see who you’re talking to?
The reality is that in an industry such as real estate clients can benefit from these innovations as long as their agent embraces them and becomes proficient in them. After all a real estate transaction involves tons of people and being able to keep all of them on the same page can greatly improve a client’s experience and relieve stress. Everyone loves convenience and if clients don’t have to leave their home or office they’ll love their agent for it.
So, the next time you’re thinking about buying or selling a home take this into consideration. It could save you time and travel and we all know everyone’s time is valuable. Would you rather get in your car or sit on your couch with your laptop or smart phone?