How's The Market In North Mission Hills, San Diego, CA., 92103?

One of the best neighborhoods in San Diego!
As agents how many times per week do we get this question? Mission Hills is the community that I live in and I actually received this question this morning at our local Starbucks. I was sure glad that I had just pulled the numbers the other day and still had them fresh in my head. The Mission Hills housing market doesn’t see huge amounts of turnover thus it’s coveted for it’s stability It’s beauty, charm, location and overall energy are other attributes that San Diegans’ love about this neighborhood.
Another major reason for the popularity of this neighborhood is it’s historical designation by the city of San Diego. Many of the homes have been lovingly restored and have received tax incentives, that pass from owner to owner, from the city as thanks for preserving the continuity of the neighborhood.
Having said all of that this is the activity for the Mission Hills real estate market in San Diego, CA. And, if you’ve never driven through Mission Hills before take a drive on your next visit and be sure to bring your camera.

January saw a few sales and the numbers are good.