Help for Californian's Who Want To Keep Their Homes

Your home doesn't have to end up like this.
Do you know someone who’s financial situation has changed and is having trouble keeping up with their mortgage? San Diego’s real estate market is doing better then before and better than the national average but we still need assistance programs to help our housing market I’ve been hearing about this program for a while offering assistance to homeowners who have the potential to go into foreclosure. The name of this program is Keep Your Home California. This program is designed to help low to moderate income families avoid foreclosure thus keeping their home and not becoming another statistic.
The program has been in the works for some time and I have called a couple of times to try and get some information on it so that I can pass it along to anyone that could benefit from this. This program, approved by the Treasury Department, developed by CalHAF has allocated approximately $2 billion dollars to assist California homeowners keep their home and avoid foreclosure. This program was initiated this Monday December the 1oth and is now answering a hotline for homeowners to receive more information about the program and how to apply.
So, if you have family, friends, coworkers, etc. and you feel they might qualify for this home saving program, please let them know. For those that don’t qualify there are other options and we’d love to talk to them and evaluate their situation with no strings attached. In these difficult times it may seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel but there are options. Talking to a real estate professional is the first step and we understand that it can be a difficult one. We’re here to help and not pass judgement on anyone. We’ve all had our struggles so we’re no different than anyone else but if we can help we’d love to. I hope this information reaches those that need it and I hope people receive the help they need. Let’s get San Diego, California and the entire United States on solid ground once again.