Ever Wonder if Your Local Gas Station Has the Best Prices?

Would you like the cheapest gas at your fingertips?
Ever drive by another gas station and realize you just paid too much for gas? How often does this happen to us? We do more than our fair share of driving thus fuel prices are be important to us. I would say that the average agent goes through a tank or so a week. What if you could save yourself a $2.00, $3.00 or $4.00 per tank? That would be nice right? So how do you find out who has the prices around?
This is a cool tool that I’ve been using for quite some time and it has come in handy and saved me as much as $4.00 per tank of gas. The way I find the best gas prices is through a website called Gas Buddie. It’s available in most cities and is named after the specific city you reside in. For example, here it’s called San Diego Gas Prices and the sponsor is listed as Gas Buddie.
The way this site works is they offer incentives to consumers who take the time to report and post gas prices in any area as they spot them. Most people post their local gas stations but since selling San Diego real estate takes me all over I sometimes post prices in other parts of San Diego other than my neighborhood of Mission Hills. The incentive is basically points that can be used to purchase are entered into gas card raffles provided by the site’s sponsor. There are several ways to earn points such as blogging, reading energy related news articles and posting articles dealing with energy among various others.
I sometimes plan a bit ahead and see the gas prices in the particular areas I’m going to be in and if the savings are good then I’ll alot a little extra time and take advantage of the potential savings. I know you’re thinking so what if I save $2.00 or so on gas? Well I said the same thing I did the math. On average I save about $0.15 per gallon using this system. It takes about 18 gallons of fuel to fill my car which comes out to about a $2.90 savings per tank. We agreed that the average agent most likely goes through a tank a week so multiplying that by 52 weeks in a year we come up with a $150.00 a year. Still not impressed yet? I won’t spoil the surprise but I encourage you to plug that yearly saving into an IRA calculator and depending on your age you’ll be floored by how much those little savings can become over the course of time.
Finally, since I’m always on the move San Diego Gas Prices has come up with a solution for that. They have developed different methods of both reporting and receiving gas prices such as an app, text or email. So the next time you’re curiosity beckons you to pay less for gas check out GasBuddie.com. I wish you a great day, happy savings and happy motoring!
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