Can't Think of What to Have For Lunch?

Why have just one thing for lunch?
Does this ever happen to you? With so many places to eat around town it’s sometimes hard to decide what or where to eat. Here in San Diego we have an extremely wider range of cuisines that it can be overwhelming at time. It seem no matter what part of the world you’re originally from you can find a restaurant that serves that type of food.
This weekend I decide to make the decision on what to have for lunch a no brainer. Northpark is community here in San Diego just north of the downtown area that has been going through a revitalization and seems to be changing on a daily basis. This weekend Northpark is putting on their second annual Taste of Northpark event featuring around 30 different restaurants and bar serving up samples of all sorts of cuisine.
I know most of you can’t have lunch in weather perfect San Diego on a Saturday without some sort of libation to go along with it. The event coordinators know this so they’ve also thrown in some micro brew and wine tasting into the mix of the event. Walk up and down 3oth St., Northpark’s main north to south artery, tasting all that the community’s culinary houses have to offer for a very affordable price. You can event ride public transportation along the route of the event is if you don’t want to walk or bother trying to find parking. Parking has also been arranged though if you decide to drive for an incredible $5 for the entire day.
Taste of Northpark goes from 1P.M. to 5P.M. today and tickets are still available. This is sure to be a fun, filling and refreshing event. If you’ve never hung out in Northpark you’re going to be amazed at the way the neighborhood has changed and all of the things you can experience within just a few blocks. I hope you all get a chance to attend and I hope to see some of you there. Bon Appetit!